Maverick Records
Enhanced CD design and programming, integrated website design and programming for:
Alanis Morissette, Jagged Little Pill (Acoustic), 2005.
The Prodigy, Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned, 2004.
Tyler Hilton, “The Tracks of…”, 2004.
Shifty, “Happy Love Sick”, 2004.
Ben Jelen, Give It All Away, 2004.
Alanis Morissette, So-Called Chaos, 2004.
Mest, “Mest”, 2003.
The Prodigy, Baby’s Got A Temper, 2002.
The Rising, “The Rising”, 2003.
Alanis Morissette, Under Rug Swept, 2002.
Hometown Hero, “Hometown Hero”, 2002.
Paul Oakenfold, Bunkka, 2002.

Tyler Hilton, “Tyler Hilton”, 2000.
Baby’s Got A Temper
Concept, design, development and implementation of a media player for 2002’s Baby’s Got A Temper.